Predictor matrix for the true outcome.
Predictor matrix for the first-stage observed outcome, conditional on
the true outcome.
Predictor matrix for the second-stage observed outcome, conditional on
the true outcome and first-stage observed outcome.
True binary outcome. Reference category is 2.
Indicator for the true binary outcome.
First-stage observed binary outcome. Reference category is 2.
Indicator for the first-stage observed binary outcome.
Second-stage observed binary outcome. Reference category is 2.
Indicator for the second-stage observed binary outcome.
True Outcome Mechanism
Relationship between
and the true outcome,
First-Stage Observation Mechanism
Relationship between
and the first-stage observed outcome,
given the true outcome
Second-Stage Observation Mechanism
Relationship between
and the second-stage observed outcome,
given the first-stage observed outcome,
and the true outcome
Response probability for individual
true outcome category.
Response probability for individual
first-stage observed outcome category, conditional on the true outcome.
Response probability for individual
second-stage observed outcome category, conditional on the first-stage
observed outcome and the true outcome.
Response probability for individual
first-stage observed outcome cateogry.
Average probability of first-stage correct classification for category
Average probability of first-stage and second-stage correct
classification for category
First-Stage Sensitivity
True positive rate. Average probability of observing first-stage outcome
given the true outcome
First-Stage Specificity
True negative rate. Average probability of observing first-stage outcome
given the true outcome
Association parameter of interest in the true outcome mechanism.
Association parameter of interest in the first-stage observation
mechanism, given
Association parameter of interest in the first-stage observation
mechanism, given
Association parameter of interest in the second-stage observation
mechanism, given
Association parameter of interest in the second-stage observation
mechanism, given
Association parameter of interest in the second-stage observation
mechanism, given
Association parameter of interest in the second-stage observation
mechanism, given